Everyone has a story. It is unique to you and you only. In John 4:3-30 Jesus tells us the story of "The Woman at the Well." She had a very unique story as well as a very unique life. It is interesting to note that the Bible says of Jesus, he "must needs go through Samaria." This was not the quickest way to get to Galilee, but it was the way he needed to go to meet this woman. She had a story to tell and someone needed to hear her story and then give her a story that would change her life forever. It is amazing how Jesus can take one story and completely change it. He did that for me, and many many others and he can do that for you. Below you are going to find two jpegs that are going to help you to tell your story more efficiently and effectively than ever before. Here is all you need to do. Download the two pictures. Open page one in any desktop publishing program. Make it full page (portrait), edge to edge and then in the big blank area draw a textbox and type op your story. Keep the main things the main things. Don't get off into a lot of details but tell people how you came to know the Lord as your Savior. Don't use a lot of "Christianese." In other words, don't use a lot of church words that the lost world doesn't understand. Just tell your story. Now print off that page with your story, turn it over and print page two on the back of it (just as before, open it up in your program, portrait style, and print on the back of page one). Now fold in half, long ways, then in half again from top to bottom and then in half one more time an you will have a concise, personal, little tract with your story and then they can open it up and learn how they too can make Jesus Christ the Lord of their life and start sharing their own story with others. Check out the list below for suggestions on how to write your story!
How to Write Your Story
- Start by telling about your life before Christ. Tell just a little about what your life was like before you came to Christ. Keep it personal and not a lot of gruesome details, but enough to make it relatable.
- Tell how you came to Christ. Who told you about Jesus? Who shared their story with you? Don't use Christianese or Bible verses. That is God's Story and it is on the inside of the tract. Keep this in your words and in words that they can understand.
- Lastly, write about your life after surrendering to Christ. Tell how your life has changed and how your desires have changed. Keep your story real and personable and try to keep it to 500 words or less. Leave them wanting more.
Above are your 2 pages. Page 1 is on the left and page 2 is on the right. You will draw the text box in the big open white space on page one. When it is properly printed and folded "My Story" should be on the front cover of the 1/4 page tract you have created and page two should be on the inside when fully opened. For more information on how to share your faith, please follow the link. It will help you as you prepare your story and as you talk to others about your story.
IIf you are unable to use the form above please email your story to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. we will type it up for you and send you a jpeg and a pdf that you can print or take to any office supply and have them print as many as you like. Just click below to email us your story and we will get you on your way! In order to fold your story tract correctly look at the pictures or watch the video below.
Each year, we at Cool Kids get the joy of speaking to over 50,000 public school students on the subject of Character. We work in conjunction with churches who will bring us in and present us to the schools in their area. This allows churches to make a connection with schools and it allows schools to have a program that would normally cost them $600 - $1200 for FREE. Cool Kids has been speaking in public schools for almost 20 years now. We promise to only speak on Character Education, Anti-Drugs and or Anti-Bullying. It is a fast paced, high energy program that combines illusions and ventriloquism to get across the point that Character is the Magic that can Change Your Life! All we ask of the schools is can we invite the students to come to a magic show at the church in the evening. It is a great way to reach out to the schools and to make a connection with the families in your community.
Nights of Illusions opens the doors to your community
Nightly Magic Shows
We invite the school children and their families to come to the church for a 1 hour magic show in the evening(s).
Audience Involvement
We involve the audience in what we do. After all, you remember over 90% of everything you do for life!
Fun For All Involved
We offer a first class program with illusions that everyone will enjoy and will reach the hearts of all that are in attendance..
In the world we live in today, we could all use people who would be a little bit nicer. This is what Random Acts of Coolness is all about. Doing something for others without expecting anything back in return. Pay for the person behind you in line. Pay a visit to a shut-in who can't get out on their own. Go to a nursing home and visit with someone who is not a member of your family. Do something for your Pastor, Sunday School Teacher, School Teacher, Parents, Friends and the list goes on. Unconditional love will make a difference in the lives of people. And maybe, just maybe, you will get the chance to tell them about the unconditional love of Christ. If you want to have some fun, download the file to the right and leave it with other people once you have done and RAC and let them pay it forward. Let's change the world and we can do it, one Random Act of Coolness at a time.
We took some kids from recent camps and went to McDonalds. For an hour we bought for everyone that came in. The kids loved doing it and the people were extremely nice, thoughtful and thankful. As one little girl said, "It felt good to do something for someone else." Give it try, you might find she was absolutely right!
Reaching Kids Around the world with the gospel of christ
In 2010 God began to open a door for Cool Kids Ministries to work with MANNA Worldwide to reach children around the world. Since that time we have helped to raise money and physically build Smile House, a Bridge to Life Home, located just outside of Kiev, Ukraine. We have also been able to supply Christmas gifts for kids in Komorivka orphanage and run a Camp for Kids in the Cherkasy orphanage. God has also allowed us to help start a work in Haiti, building a church, feeding center and a school. And while all of that was happening, we have also been able to work with a large Christian School System in Taiwan called Morrison Academy. The door are continuing to open and we have more plans for the future. Please keep checking on us often. We would love to have you as part of what we are doing. Please click on the picture below to learn more. `