Each year, we at Cool Kids get the joy of speaking to over 50,000 public school students on the subject of Character.  We work in conjunction with churches who will bring us in and present us to the schools in their area.  This allows churches to make a connection with schools and it allows schools to have a program that would normally cost them $600 - $1200 for FREE.  Cool Kids has been speaking in public schools for almost 20 years now.  We promise to only speak on Character Education, Anti-Drugs and or Anti-Bullying.  It is a fast paced, high energy program that combines illusions and ventriloquism to get across the point that Character is the Magic that can Change Your Life!  All we ask of the schools is can we invite the students to come to a magic show at the church in the evening.  It is a great way to reach out to the schools and to make a connection with the families in your community.  

Nights of Illusions opens the doors to your community

Nightly Magic Shows

We invite the school children and their families to come to the church for a 1 hour magic show in the evening(s).

Audience Involvement

We involve the audience in what we do.  After all, you remember over 90% of everything you do for life!

Fun For All Involved

We offer a first class program with illusions that everyone will enjoy and will reach the hearts of all that are in attendance..

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